Get Involved!There are various ways in which you be involved in your union. Take a look below to get more information on the various areas we have open for you to participate. Once you find what you'd like to help with, please click on and submit the form below.
General Membership Meetings
- General Membership Meetings (GMMs) are open to all union members to receive important updates and information from our union’s leadership on issues and topics of interest, such as conference and training opportunities, committee updates, etc. GMMS are also where we make and vote on decisions pertaining to the union, such as allocating finances and signing on to solidarity statements.
- GMMs are held monthly during the academic year. To check out the schedule for current and past GMMs, click here.
- Only members can attend GMMs.
- The Organizing Committee (OC)
- The Organizing Committee works to educate graduate assistants and postdocs at UConn about their rights and benefits, foster solidarity among our members, recruit members to increase our collective power, and organize actions and events.
- The Organizing Committee meets bi-weekly, at a date and time agreed upon by the members of the committee at the beginning of every semester. In our meetings, we debrief organizing plans and discuss organizing strategies that help us reach our established goals. Currently, the committee meets virtually over Zoom.
- The Social Justice Committee (SJC)
- The Social Justice Committee is committed to representing the diverse interests and identities of our members and seeks to implement institutional change by dismantling social inequalities. We are dedicated to fighting and advocating for equity, justice and inclusion within our union, at UConn, and in our communities.
- The Social Justice Committee meets once a month, at a date and time agreed upon by the members of the committee at the beginning of every semester. Currently, the committee meets virtually over Zoom.
- The Grievance Committee (GC)
- The Grievance Committee discusses and deliberates on current grievances and prepares its members to handle and assist with grievances. The committee also analyzes trends and patterns in grievances to better serve our organizing efforts and interactions with UConn administration.
- The Grievance Committee meets weekly, at a date and time agreed upon by the members of the committee at the beginning of every semester. Currently, the committee meets virtually over Zoom.
- Please note that all members of the grievance committee need to attend a grievance training if they wish to assist with handling grievances. Grievance trainings are offered at least once every academic year.
- The International Grads and Postdocs Committee (IGPC)
- The International Grads and Postdocs Committee discusses issues and events that directly affect international graduate employees and postdocs as well as plans and strategizes actions and solutions to address those issues.
- The International Grads and Postdocs Committee meets biweekly, at a date and time agreed upon by the members of the committee at the beginning of every semester. Currently, the committee meets virtually over Zoom.
- The Research Committee (RC)
- The Research Committee is committed to integrating the scientific method into all facets of the union's operations, ensuring rigor and evidence-based practices guide decision-making.
- With a primary objective to strengthen bargaining positions, systematically aid union recruitment, and provide research-based incentives, the committee fosters collaboration among members to produce high-impact, high-quality scholarship, recognizing that a union's strength lies in its members.
- Beyond publications, the committee focuses on informed decision-making, accountability, and research communication through data visualization. Additionally, it promotes union solidarity by collaborating with other unions, exchanging crucial data, and working collectively to uplift the broader labor force.
- The Research Committee meets once a month, at a date and time agreed upon by the members of the committee at the beginning of every semester. Currently, the committee meets virtually over Zoom.
- The Communications Committee (CC)
- The Communications Committee is dedicated to enhancing our union's outreach and engagement through emailing, social media, and our website. Members work on content creation including taking photos and videos of events, educational content about the union, and more.
Become a Steward
- Stewards act as the first point of contact in our union and serve as a bridge between members and elected leadership. Stewards help educate members about their rights and listen to their issues in the workplace. They offer advice and help resolve issues.
- Stewards are assigned to districts, which encompass different departments around campus. To see a breakdown of districts, click here.
- If you wish to learn more about becoming a steward, email us at [email protected] or [email protected].