Section 1. Bargaining unit employees shall not be required to work on the following holidays when the holidays occur during the term of their full-time appointment:
Section 2. Bargaining unit employees appointed for less than 100% FTE shall have their holiday leave prorated by the percentage of such appointment, e.g. 75% FTE equivalent of 6 hours of paid holiday leave.
Section 3. Any Postdoc required to work by their PI on a holiday enumerated in Section 1may arrange with their supervisor for a mutually agreeable alternative day off within the same appointment period.
Section 4. The University recognizes that Postdocs may celebrate cultural or religious holidays that are not enumerated in Section .1 The University shall make a good faith effort to accommodate a Postdoc who wishes to observe a cultural or religious holiday. Postdocs who wish to observe cultural and religious holidays that are not University holidays may request approval from their PI to work on the following holidays in exchange:
Section 5. This Article covers the entirety of holiday leave for bargaining unit employees, and any and all prior agreements, discussions, past practices, or understandings between the parties pertaining to the subject matter herein are merged into and superseded by this Article.
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, J.r Day
- Lincoln's Birthday
- President's Day Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Independence Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Section 2. Bargaining unit employees appointed for less than 100% FTE shall have their holiday leave prorated by the percentage of such appointment, e.g. 75% FTE equivalent of 6 hours of paid holiday leave.
Section 3. Any Postdoc required to work by their PI on a holiday enumerated in Section 1may arrange with their supervisor for a mutually agreeable alternative day off within the same appointment period.
Section 4. The University recognizes that Postdocs may celebrate cultural or religious holidays that are not enumerated in Section .1 The University shall make a good faith effort to accommodate a Postdoc who wishes to observe a cultural or religious holiday. Postdocs who wish to observe cultural and religious holidays that are not University holidays may request approval from their PI to work on the following holidays in exchange:
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Lincoln's Birthday
- President's Day
- Good Friday
- Juneteenth Independence Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
Section 5. This Article covers the entirety of holiday leave for bargaining unit employees, and any and all prior agreements, discussions, past practices, or understandings between the parties pertaining to the subject matter herein are merged into and superseded by this Article.