Section 1. The University shall grant bargaining unit employees up to fifteen (15) paid sick days annually for a full-time appointment, to be used for a bona fide personal illness, for illness of an immediate family member residing in the employee's household, or for a death in the immediate family. Bargaining unit employees appointed for less than 100% FTE, or appointed for less than a full year, shall have their sick days prorated by the percentage of such appointment. Immediate family shall mean parent; step or foster parent; sibling; step or foster sibling; parents-in-law; spouse; grandparent; child; step or foster child. The definition of immediate family shall be extended to include a cohabitating partner if the employee provides the University with a domestic partnership affidavit.
Section 2. The University shall grant a bargaining unit employee who gives birth to achild six (6) consecutive weeks of paid maternity leave following natural childbirth or eight (8) weeks following cesarean section. A bargaining unit employee who is a non-birth parent of a newborn or adopted child shall be granted paid leave of 15 work days to care for or bond with the child. Leave granted under this Section shall not extend beyond the end-date of the employee's appointment and shall be prorated for employees appointed for less than 100% FTE. Bonding leave taken under this section does not have to be taken consecutively. Employees may take bonding leave intermittently or to reduce their work schedule.
Section 3. A bargaining unit employee who has exhausted their annual sick leave through a serious illness shall be eligible to receive a donation of time off from other bargaining unit employees. Extended leaves of absence beyond thirty (30) days, paid or unpaid, shall be granted at the sole discretion of the University. The University's decision whether to grant extended leaves of absence shall not be grievable or arbitrable.
Section 4. Unused paid sick days shall not be rolled over to reappointments, if any. There shall be no payout of unused sick days.
Section 5. This Article covers the entirety of paid sick leave for bargaining unit employees, and any and all prior agreements, discussions, past practices, or understandings between the parties pertaining to the subject matter herein are merged into and superseded by this Article.
Section 2. The University shall grant a bargaining unit employee who gives birth to achild six (6) consecutive weeks of paid maternity leave following natural childbirth or eight (8) weeks following cesarean section. A bargaining unit employee who is a non-birth parent of a newborn or adopted child shall be granted paid leave of 15 work days to care for or bond with the child. Leave granted under this Section shall not extend beyond the end-date of the employee's appointment and shall be prorated for employees appointed for less than 100% FTE. Bonding leave taken under this section does not have to be taken consecutively. Employees may take bonding leave intermittently or to reduce their work schedule.
Section 3. A bargaining unit employee who has exhausted their annual sick leave through a serious illness shall be eligible to receive a donation of time off from other bargaining unit employees. Extended leaves of absence beyond thirty (30) days, paid or unpaid, shall be granted at the sole discretion of the University. The University's decision whether to grant extended leaves of absence shall not be grievable or arbitrable.
Section 4. Unused paid sick days shall not be rolled over to reappointments, if any. There shall be no payout of unused sick days.
Section 5. This Article covers the entirety of paid sick leave for bargaining unit employees, and any and all prior agreements, discussions, past practices, or understandings between the parties pertaining to the subject matter herein are merged into and superseded by this Article.